Tutorial ©Jascie June 10, 2005

Artwork ©Martin Abel martinabel.com

This is an example only! Do not use his artwork without proper licensing!

Please visit Creative Deign Outlet for information on puchasing his artwork.


You will need these things for this tutorial:

Paint Shop Pro

Animation Shop

Tube of choice

My PSP Selections File

Font of choice


Save the blinknboxes.psp to place of choice.

Open your PSP.

Open the selections file and a tube of your choice.

Pick a color from your tube,and minimize your tube for now.

Make the blinknboxes.psp active, go Shift + D and close the original for safe keeping.

Go Selections - Load/Save Seletions - Load Selection from Alpha Channel...pick the r#1 and click Load.

Flood Fill the Selection with the color from your tube.

Now Go Effects - 3DEffects - DropShadow and use these settings:

V & H 4...Opacity 100...Blur 0


Now repeat the above steps for the r#2 and r#3 selections.

You should now have three rectangles with dropshadows on them.

Make your tube active again and pick two colors from it, minimize once again.

Add a New Raster Layer, now go Selections - Load/Save Seletions - Load Selection from Alpha Channel...pick the b#1 and click Load.

Take Color #1 and Flood Fill the first, middle and last block selection on each line.

Take Color #2 and Flood Fill the remaining block selections.


Add a New Raster Layer, now go Selections - Load/Save Seletions - Load Selection from Alpha Channel...pick the b#2 and click Load.

With the Color #2, Flood Fill the 1st and 3rd block selections on each line.

With the Color #1, Flood Fill the remaining block selections.


Add a New Raster Layer, now go Selections - Load/Save Seletions - Load Selection from Alpha Channel...pick the b#3 and click Load.

With the Color #1, Flood Fill the 1st and 3rd block selections on each line.

With the Color #2, Flood Fill the remaining block selections.


Now go back to your tube click on the Tube Layer go Edit - Copy and Paste as a new layer in your psp image.

Resize as needed<br>Add drop shadow if you desire.

Now add any copyrights watermarks ect that should be on the tag.

Add your text, inner bevel and add a drop shadow if you desire.

Resize if you wish.

Now open up AS and minimize.

Go to your layers palette and hide the top two raster layers of your blocks.<br>Go Edit - Copy Merged.

Maximize AS and go Edit - Paste - Paste as New Animation.

Go back to PSP and hide the bottom block layer and unhide the middle one.

Go Edit - Copy Merged.

Maximize AS and go Edit - Paste - Paste After Current Frame.

Go back to PSP and hide the middle block layer and unhide the top one.

Go Edit - Copy Merged...Maximize AS and go Edit - Paste - Paste After Current Frame.

Now go Edit - Select All.

Then go Animation - Frame Properties and set at 20.

(I have mine saved on to a black background)

Now Save it!

Ta Da!

You're Done!



Feel free to text link only or print out for own personal use. But do not copy it in anyway to put online, pass out, use for profit or rewrite without my permission.